Ultrasound Body Contouring sculpts and contours the body by reducing stubborn pockets of fat and cellulite without the need for invasive surgery such as liposuction. The clinically proven technology works by applying ultrasound energy to targeted fat cells, harmlessly disrupting the cell membrane and converting the fat to a liquid state. The fatty acids are then dispersed and naturally processed through the lymphatic system.

Ultrasound cavitation is not a weight loss treatment it is meant to target small areas of stubborn fat. To maintain the reduction of body fat after treatment simply follow a healthy diet and keep hydrated.

Benefits & Results

Ultrasound Body Contouring is effective in treating:

  • Eliminating unwanted fat

  • Tightening skin

  • Reducing appearance of cellulite

  • Clearing treated area of impurities

  • Strengthening connective tissue

How do I prepare for best results?

Ultrasound cavitation works best when you combine a healthy low fat diet, drink 2 litres of water a day and exercise regularly.

How many sessions will I need to see results?

Generally 6-12 treatments for optimum results, typically you will expect 1-2 inches of fat loss per treatment. During your consultation we will assess your individual situation and design a treatment plan tailored for you.

What should I do post treatment?

Drink plenty of water and eat a healthy meal 2 hours after treatment.

Abdomen $149

Hips $149

Abdomen + HIPS $199

Upper Arms $149

Brazilian BuTT Lift $199

Thighs (INNER + OUTER) $249

Upper back (bra Line) $149